I like to observe people. I've always loved it. Thats how I meet alot of people. Stephanie says I'm so bold sometimes it scares her. My outgoing personality will get me shot one day like that Boy Scout.
"Any government that would deny a gay man the right to bridal registry is a fascist state."
I love soggy, dark places too. But I love everything as well. Especially the opposite end of the spectrum. Although some parties are particularly soggy and dark.
But I hate everything too. Ugh.
"Any government that would deny a gay man the right to bridal registry is a fascist state."
I like warmth when it's really cold. I don't like hot and muggy and sticky.
I like to set things on fire. I like to make giant bonfires and throw tons of paper in when it's freezing cold and midnight and watch the burning paper fly away to set some other inanimate object on fire. Like trees or houses or you know...people.
"Any government that would deny a gay man the right to bridal registry is a fascist state."
Bert is not slow. Bert is fast and nice and pretty with tons of christmas cheer. and gumball stickers and beanie babies and stuffed animals and candles. Bert is my friend!
And quit doing that Ile!
"Any government that would deny a gay man the right to bridal registry is a fascist state."