---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

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i'm not scheduled to work monday or tuesday, so as long as someone else (amor, glace, fallen, cards?) is around, i'll be around to reply, oldschool style.

Kick ass. We'll have a holybuffalothon! Or something.
I start school again Monday. Poor me. But I'll still be around here the same time I normally am. Or something.

It'll be quieter though.

Since my bro goes to school from Monday on, I'll be here at some point during day time, probably. If I wake up, that is.
I envy you Fallen...Argh...I'm still on holyday..>Forever...Crybaby

(Edited by Amor Fati at 12:54 pm on Aug. 11, 2001)
Sleep is wonderful.
Productivity is overrated.
fallen, tell me about it. i just woke up at 2:30 pm...

yeah, i know. usually that leaves me feeling like shit, but it didn't this time. yesterday was about 15 - 20 degrees lower than it has been lately, and it was fucking beautiful outside, which lead to a nice, cool sleeping night.

i actually had to use a blanket for the first time in months.
Well...110F here, so the blanket is overrated...clothes are too as a matter of fact...
Ech... Spare me the details. Say no more. Biggrin
I'm pretty nocturnal. For a long time I'd sleep until eight or nine at night and then stay up until about ten or eleven. Sometimes I'd stay up for days. Sometimes I'd sleep for days. Then I realized school was starting within a week and I stayed up for a few days to get back on a schedule. Now I go to sleep around eleven or twelve or one or two or three and wake up at seven.
Ile, your sig fit right in...
I've been a better sleeper during days for as  long as I've lived. My parents say that I was awake at nights much more than my bro when I was little. Even now, I sleep much better during days, and would rather be awake at nights, but the damn society isn't working that way... Cussing

Rofl @ amor

(Edited by Glacialis at 11:27 pm on Aug. 11, 2001)
I just like the night alot better then the day for it's just alot calmer. I would say quiet, but I hate quiet. I love noise and people and parties and music. But I hate people and noise. I still love parties and music. Do I ever make sense?
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