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Guess what I did when I was bored? | And, no, it's not that (whatever that may be)
Aug 09, 2001, 02:40 AM,
Guess what I did when I was bored? | And, no, it's not that (whatever that may be)
simply put: Ever tried throwing 35 with a ten sided dice? Yeah in the rpg you get to roll agoin on 10 and add the new result to 10 and if it's another 10 you get to throw again and add it to the previous and so on, but you got to be damn lucky. And 35 is a skill level "virtually impossible" threshold value, which is the highest (though I used 50 for those completely ridiculous things the players tried to do occasionally).

There. Be enlightened.

"What did the city get from you, Montag?"

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Guess what I did when I was bored? | And, no, it's not that (whatever that may be) - by Glacialis - Aug 09, 2001, 02:40 AM

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