I've thought that I could discuss my problem with somebody here. But since it's so sensitive, the most sensitive problem I've ever encountered, I have to choose wisely..There might not be anyone suitable, but here go the options:
1. THE ONE , yeah right, not a chance. Not until I make my decision
2. Ionela - hum. I'd rather talk to her than to THE ONE. Still far fetched, not doable.
I wrote them first since they are the two main characters.
3.a very close friend of mine, but he became very good friends with THE ONE too, plus we've never discussed relationship related stuff
4.my closest friend, the guy who knows everything about me and me about him. But we talk to rarely, and it's not a matter he could help with
5.close close friend number 1. He's almost never serious, even if he has potential. He might joke about it. Still...
6.close close friend number 2. Horia. Now he'd be a good alternative. But even if he feels some things the way I do, he hasn't taken love that seriously lately.
7.the one guy I could talk about things like this with good results, we're no longer friends. Plus he hates the one
8. Monica, my best friend before THE ONE. I lost her since she god involved with the jerk I mentioned above. She also dislikes THE ONE
9.another girl, we've become really really good friends over the past months. Group mate of mine and Ionela's, friend with Ionela and now with THE ONE too. But, we've never talked about deep stuff like this.
So, what do you think? Take your pic and please tell me why you chose the way you did...Please...