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I was supposed to be in New York | .
Sep 13, 2001, 04:23 AM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .
I was supposed to leave on September 10th.

I was supposed to go to the World Trade Center on Tuesday, to take photos, then go to Greenwich Village.

I was packed and ready to go.

Unfortunately, the flight number was busy. My mother suggested Vancouver instead, so I went with that. And I'm there right now.

My mother called me and burst into tears. Nersh and I couldn't believe any of it; I don't mean to disregard the loss of human life side of things, but the WTCs were my favourite buildings. For anyone who's been in there, they're fucking VAST. It takes about 20 minutes to walk around the base of one floor. For any skyscraper to collapse is awful, but for this one - I can't begin to imagine in my head how huge the mess is. The debri itself must be - what - 10ft high? More than that.

So maybe someone wants me to live. Or something.

My signature is great.
Sep 13, 2001, 04:58 AM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .
i just keep imagining how much more of a mess (on top of the mess in ny) it would have been if they had hit the sears tower here in chicago...
Sep 13, 2001, 07:05 AM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .
Could you imagine if the other plane had hit it's original target, the White House? If you think people are mad now, just think how pissed off Americans would be.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." -- Douglas Adams
Sep 13, 2001, 02:21 PM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .

or if one had hit the statue of liberty?
Sep 13, 2001, 03:26 PM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .
I thought of that too, Foe, but the bastards didn't just want to destroy symnbols, they also wanted to kill as much as they could, and the Statue of Liberty just wasn't messy enough for them. But had they hit the White House...Personally, I can't wait for retaliation. I will be happy to see as much of the guilty ones die as possible. This was wrong.
And I loved those buildings...I remembered with my sis, while watching our lovely pics from there, how we ran out of film right at the top...And the pics of me stading on those superb marble stepts in the lobby...All those windows, how great it all looked...Damned .
So how many did die anyway? I was expecting close to 10000.

And Buzz, you really are lucky...If what you're saying is true, then you must think that you have a precise purpose on this planet...

And how about the story with that guy who overslept and was late for woprk, only to wake up and realize that the buildings were

Sunt lacrimae reum
Sep 13, 2001, 04:01 PM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .
Quote:Quote: from Amor Fati on 7:26 am on Sep. 13, 2001
And how about the story with that guy who overslept and was late for woprk, only to wake up and realize that the buildings were [gone]
Wow that would be pretty crazy. It's good to be fashionably late Smile

I don't think anyone knows how many died. I did get an email about the coworkers from our office in the trade center and they said they were all alive and accounted for. That's around 1,600 folks. And another company, Morgan Stanley I think, occupied a vast majority of the floors in tower 1, have been able to account for most of their 3,500 employees I believe.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." -- Douglas Adams
Sep 13, 2001, 09:14 PM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .
There was an article at our local newspaper about a few locals, who were on a holiday in NYC, and were going to the WTC, but took a wrong turn and got lost, when they were finally back on track, they started to wonder what program was on radio, since it spoke of "twin tower collapse", and switched channel only to find that the same thing as on another channel, and realized that it was true. They got damn lucky too... I wonder how many lucky cases there were.

"What did the city get from you, Montag?"
Sep 13, 2001, 09:40 PM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .
Well Ian Thorpe, the world's best swimmer went intot he building at about half past 8, to visit. He realized he'd forgotten his camera so he went back tot he hotel, only to learn about the attacks...

Sunt lacrimae reum
Sep 13, 2001, 09:40 PM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .
An update of sorts. A news report this morning said there were 93 confirmed dead and 4,700 missing.

They have 30,000 body bags for the rescue. The mayor of NY has said not to be alarmed because the body bags aren't necessarily for that many bodies, but body parts.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." -- Douglas Adams
Sep 13, 2001, 10:13 PM,
I was supposed to be in New York | .
They're being surprisingly frank and realistic...

"What did the city get from you, Montag?"

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