Sep 21, 2001, 03:44 AM,
Bishop of the Sacred Horn
Posts: 1,328
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technology/geek part of the board.
now, the difference between ours and the one on grinz' board should be that there's no flaming/criticism allowed.
i think that if someone posts a topic about something that they have an interest in, and you disagree, you should feel more than free to post an entirely new thread about something that you see as an alternative, that suits your needs, and meets your interests.
that's what they call "constructive", i think.
for example, if i posted a thread about how the 867Mhz processor in the new Power Mac G4 is actually faster than a 1.7GHz Pentium 4, i would severly frown upon a "you're a geek for even knowing that" type of reply. i would, however welcome any type of reply that attempts to bring valid points to light that either makes that point invalid, or incorrect.
and if someone posted a topic about their favorite operating system, and i disagreed, i wouldn't go and post a reply in that folder about my favorite kind. because that's not what the folder is about. i'd post a second topic about my favorite OS.
some things are simply a matter of taste, and are extremely dependant upon who you are as a person, and are utterly pointless to debate.
and frankly, that's a concept that was entirely disregarded in grinz' "geek" forum, and by the people who posted in it. of course, the rules there were a whole lot different there than they are here.
so don't forget where you are.
(Edited by JuggleFoe at 9:54 pm on Sep. 20, 2001)
Sep 21, 2001, 06:18 AM,
Robb Force
Posts: 374
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technology/geek part of the board.
Quote:Quote: from JuggleFoe on 7:55 pm on Sep. 20, 2001
Quote: from honky618 on 9:52 pm on Sep. 20, 2001
all I said is that I don't like the way that macs are set up.
that isn't constructive.
A form of constructive criticism would be "I don't like the way Macs are set up because I think the keyboard should have had a full 101-keys. The mouse is also difficult to use because it is so small. I end up losing the mouse when I play Quake." or something like that.
Here is an excerpt from a paper on the subject:
' Criticism minimally expresses to an author,"There are standards which are relevant here that your paper does not meet." To be constructive, the critic must go beyond, indeed, avoid simple formulations like,
"This is poorly written," or "This makes no sense."
It is more useful - not to mention, non-threatening - to avoid using such statements entirely. One might say, "The problems with this paper are that ...." This foregoes unnecessary emotional engagement and does the work that a critique should do: specify what it is that makes the paper fall below expectable standards!
The best procedure as as constructive critic is to adapt the attitude of a team-member trying to improve the workmanship of a colleague. Don't hold back from expressing concern if you think there is a problem; but don't try to intimidate or "one-up" the person whose paper you are criticizing by delivering judgment, but withholding the reasons for it.'
Excerpt snatched from here.
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." -- Douglas Adams
Sep 23, 2001, 10:43 PM,
Bishop of the Sacred Horn
Posts: 1,328
Threads: 265
Joined: Apr 2001
technology/geek part of the board.
Quote:Quote: from honky618 on 3:11 pm on Sep. 23, 2001
well put robb.
and foe, you need to learn to not be a dick dude.
do i? i mean, really?
or should you maybe realize that there are a whole lot of different types of people, with different senses of humor, and general attitudes, and you're just gonna' have to bite a pillow and learn to deal with it?