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absurdity | i think this belongs here...
Jun 17, 2001, 10:20 PM,
absurdity | i think this belongs here...
well, i can't argue with that, no matter how nihilistic some people might find that concept.

do you think that all of our so-called "advances" related to "human civilization" are an attempt to defeat the cold, uncaring reality that wild animals have to live with on a dialy basis?

i mean, we both have to kill to survive. i don't care who you are on this planet, you're living because something else died. (yikes, this is all starting to sound oddly biblical, isn't it? hmm... pray to the meat / plants on your plate, not jesus...) but of course, we have removed ourselves from murder by many steps.

hmm. here's a thought... would the human-on-human murder rate increase if every person on this planet had to go out and kill their food every day, or do you think we'd all gain a greater respect for death, and stop killing eachother so often?

Messages In This Thread
absurdity | i think this belongs here... - by apoc - Jun 14, 2001, 03:27 PM
absurdity | i think this belongs here... - by JuggleFoe - Jun 17, 2001, 10:20 PM

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