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yay! advancement in the workplace! | wheeeee!
Oct 20, 2001, 09:12 PM,
yay! advancement in the workplace! | wheeeee!
i'm nice, i'm efficient. when my employers make a demand of me, such as when they told me to lower my break times, i comply.

i make no bones about it. i'm a whore. they pay me to do exactly what they tell me to do.

i treat the callers with respect. i read the scripts mostly verbatim. if i realize that the question isn't getting the response we're looking for, i ask the question from another angle, so to speak, and if the caller doesn't get it, well, damn. that's their problem.

i mean, who wants to employ someone who doesn't understand simple questions? this is a "screening", after all.

generally, i try to explain the situation to the caller as well as i can, with my limited knowledge of the situation. if they ask about pay, i do, but only if we have that information on hand. if they ask for a phone number, same thing. i mean, in the case of the phone numbers, i apologize for not having them, and then i give them some ideas about how they'd go about finding that number, but in the case of pay, i just tell 'em "that'll be discussed further along in the employment process..."

so, it's not all about giving the caller every little bit of information they desire.  part of it is, of course, but i weight that against what i'm allowed to tell them by whichever client they're seeking employment with.

i think i do a good job.

and obviously, my employer does too.


Messages In This Thread
yay! advancement in the workplace! | wheeeee! - by JuggleFoe - Oct 20, 2001, 09:12 PM

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