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More peeps from the funny farm | Lot's of morons in America
Aug 16, 2001, 12:35 PM,
More peeps from the funny farm | Lot's of morons in America
Oh, it's true! It's true!

Guess who's back! No, not Buddy Holly....Me.

I'm so sorry I left you guys yesterday, but it shows the real talent I'm working with...

I'm so ashamed! I left for one day and the conversation drops like a whore in a peter patch. Bad you! Bad you!

I dare not think of what it will be like when I have to go for an entire month!

(Edited by Fallen at 6:36 am on Aug. 16, 2001)

"Any government that would deny a gay man the right to bridal registry is a fascist state."

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More peeps from the funny farm | Lot's of morons in America - by Fallen - Aug 16, 2001, 12:35 PM

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