Despite my disgust with people and my hatred towards them, I still crave their attention and I receive it.
I'm always the center of attention amongst my friends. Whether it's that I'm the only female, or that I'm "special" I don't really know anymore. And despite, once again, my disgust with people and my hatred towards them...if I was taken from the center stage, away from the lights and away from the people, I'd sadly miss it.
However, I enjoy my isolation and I have much of it. I'm alone so much now, I can't recall the faces of friends. Phone numbers and hair colours alike. They've all seemed to escape me.
Maybe I feel as if I'm better then those that I'm around. Not to say that I'm better then everyone, merely the ones around me.
Maybe I stay around them for that reason specifically. I don't know anymore.
Maybe I don't care either.