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new DEVILMAN figure i got today | "welvath"
Aug 03, 2001, 02:46 AM,
new DEVILMAN figure i got today | "welvath"
Ha! Hair dye is one of the things that is crap in my eyes. Smile

I don't know who I am either. Or am I? Maybe it doesn't matter as long as my mind keeps going. Maybe I'll one day wake up from dreaming myself, and cease to be. Human's are self-decieving liars for most part. They're just so gullible that they belive themselves that the words they say to themselves are true. "You're great. You're a good person. You're social. People are nice".

"What did the city get from you, Montag?"

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new DEVILMAN figure i got today | "welvath" - by Glacialis - Aug 03, 2001, 02:46 AM

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