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lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she??
Jul 27, 2001, 03:13 AM,
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she??
Quote:Robb Force Posted on 8:27 pm on July 26, 2001

Quote: from Fallen on 5:53 pm on July 26, 2001
yes i like to keep it that way....

So do I.

what exactly is that supposed to mean? heh.

and my hair is not pink, it's simply the lighting from the room. that picture was taken shortly before i went to a rave. my girlfriend made me wear make-up. *shudder* and i had my hair in what she called pixies, which none of you would know what in the hell i am talking about...but anywho. although my hair was pink at one point in time, it isn't any longer. it's a dark blond with tints of russet and crimson. although i tinted it a reddish colour the night before last.

"Any government that would deny a gay man the right to bridal registry is a fascist state."

Messages In This Thread
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Jul 18, 2001, 03:43 PM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Jul 18, 2001, 06:05 PM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Jul 18, 2001, 07:24 PM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Jul 19, 2001, 01:57 AM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Jul 22, 2001, 10:53 PM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Fallen - Jul 27, 2001, 03:13 AM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Jul 29, 2001, 01:29 PM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Aug 01, 2001, 06:50 AM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Aug 01, 2001, 07:04 AM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Aug 01, 2001, 10:10 AM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Aug 01, 2001, 05:05 PM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Aug 01, 2001, 05:41 PM
lovely young lady-(my cousin) | how pretty is she?? - by Anonymous - Aug 07, 2001, 05:06 AM

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