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So they're worthless? | Casulties and casulties
Sep 24, 2001, 08:11 PM,
So they're worthless? | Casulties and casulties
Something that make's me chuckle cynically is, that the few thousand who died in the WTC incident, made the world react in such a way. People abroad are donating blood, and loads of money and help offers are given throughout the world.

Then, when 60 000 die in an earthquake in India, there's a small article about it in the corner of a newspaper, and maybe some humanitarian aid is sent there by few organizations, and the thing is soon forgotten in all silence.

So it'd seem that people in the western world are worth more than those in the third world. Hah. Humans. Hmph

Any comments?

"What did the city get from you, Montag?"

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So they're worthless? | Casulties and casulties - by Glacialis - Sep 24, 2001, 08:11 PM

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