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So they're worthless? | Casulties and casulties
Sep 25, 2001, 08:21 PM,
So they're worthless? | Casulties and casulties
Act of nature or not, they're still dead, and dead people are dead in only one way, so I think there should be at least similar amount of support. You can't really predict acts of nature, but if you've got any intelligence, you can see that something big is about to go down in the terror front, and should prepare for it.

Personally, I thought that they'd use one of those nuclear devices missing from the Russians to blow the heart of some heavily populated urban center, but still, I've been saying for a few years, that the fundamental muslims are soon going to do something big against USA. (K, I'll quit. It's turning into "I told ya"-type of text. :/ )

"What did the city get from you, Montag?"

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So they're worthless? | Casulties and casulties - by Glacialis - Sep 25, 2001, 08:21 PM

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