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So they're worthless? | Casulties and casulties
Sep 26, 2001, 09:41 PM,
So they're worthless? | Casulties and casulties
Quote: from Glacialis on 2:28 am on Sep. 26, 2001
I don't think you really saw my original point before the thing side tracked.

Do you think it's any less/different suffering those that get ravaged by an earthquake feel?

Victims are victims are victims. Suffering is the same no matter what the source. All this going on just feels like so much hypocrisy to me. What else would I expect from mankind?

1. yes, they do deserve as much help as possible.

2. yes, humanity is fucked in the head.

if you've got such a problem with it, and i don't mean this to be an antagonistic statement, what are you doing to change that?

i mean, what's worse, victims of two seperate disasters getting entirely different attention/aid, or someone who thinks it's terrible, yet does next to nothing about it?


i, personally, can understand why these two situations are being treated differently, so i'm not getting myself up into a lather about it. you, on the other hand, are.

and as i said: what are you doing about it?

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So they're worthless? | Casulties and casulties - by JuggleFoe - Sep 26, 2001, 09:41 PM

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