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final fight one
Oct 07, 2001, 12:20 AM,
final fight one
just picked it up. pretty sweet.
Oct 07, 2001, 01:19 AM,
final fight one
I agree. The did a good job of making it play like the otiginal. One thing that disapoints me is how they changed the slutty chicks into fairy-looking dudes, I think. I hate when Nintendo does shit like that.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." -- Douglas Adams
Oct 07, 2001, 04:54 AM,
final fight one
dude, there's this big debate in the gaming geek world about whether people would buy the american version so they can actually read the text, or if they should boycott it, and but the import, to send some big "fuck you", and try to put an end of censorship.

truthfully, i couldn't give a fuck.

the game is fun.

it's just like back when mortal kombat came out, and all the sega kids thought they had something over nintendo kids just because their version had blood in it.

in my opinion, the sega version sucked raw ass. especially the graphics, and the control.

and when somone took the time to make a "blood" game genie code, it really didn't matter anymore.


gameplay rules over eye candy.

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