HBO broadcasted today, while I was lounging with my baby, a movie I hadn't seen before, but wanted to. "Forces of Nature". Anybody see it? It's with Ben Affleck who rushes to his wedding and, on his way, has all sorts of bad weather delay him and ends up spending a couple of days with this weird Sandra Bullock. Anyway all along the movie people tell him how bad getting married is (baby said, as a joke, that we should change the channel). Anyway, the end was interesting, since the guy was in roughly the same situation as me. Only his Ionela was aware of the situation...And they stay outside the wedding place and she tells him what Glacialis told me about the situation. I was sure Ben was going to split from his future wife, but it's an American movie so...But it had some interesting points, in the end too. Didn't provide me with answers though...Only that baby told me that if I split form her on our wedding day (and probably earlier too) she would never speak to me again. Not because she would be mad, but because she couldn't. But this movie, and today...Somebody's playing with me.