---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---
Forum update 05/17/01 - Printable Version

+- ---(+ Holy Buffalo +)--- (http://holybuffalo.net/mybb)
+-- Forum: Main (http://holybuffalo.net/mybb/forumdisplay.php?fid=18)
+--- Forum: Updates (http://holybuffalo.net/mybb/forumdisplay.php?fid=28)
+--- Thread: Forum update 05/17/01 (/showthread.php?tid=658)

Forum update 05/17/01 - Robb Force - May 18, 2001

- Forum organization - I discovered how to reorganize how the forums are displayed in the main page and have done so.
- New avatars - Several new Rock band and Wrestling avatars from JuggleFoe were added.
- Header - Minor change made to header stats so they display correctly in all browsers. (not likely)