---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

Full Version: another addition... | to my toyshelf of EVIL...
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picked this sucker up just yesterday.

[Image: catalog.barker.page5.jpg]

and here's the "instructions for assembly" from the website...

[Image: detail.scythemeister.01.jpg]
Man! Wish I had the money to collect these.... they are cool........
actually, they're only $15 each.
Thats still too much for me... I earn £120 a month, and think how much the equivilent figures would cost over here...
120 a month? what's that equivalent to in american dosh?
I believe the pound (the symbol stands for a pound, right?) is still worth more than the american dollar. Almost twice as much, but I'm probably wrong.
That's roughly 200 bucks. What do you do, Sorrow?