---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

Full Version: do you really wanna hurt me?
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you wanna meet me? why, because you wanna hurt me? what are you gonna do? come to my house and start punchin' me in the neck? kicking me in the shins? head-butting my abdomen?

even if you could get the better of me, what are you gonna do when my neighbor jumps the fuckin' rod iron fence and stabs you in the fucking neck?

you're gonna bleed. you say you're gonna dig graves. you just dug your own.

shit or get off the fuckin' pot.
Where did this come from? Is someone threatening to hurt you?
yeah. over on the unmentionable board someone started a well-meaning "who would you wanna meet in real life" thread, and sicdeth said "JuggleFoe".

i'd just like to see him stop talking, and actually try something.

until then he can just shut his little face and keep dreaming.

When I originally read your topic I thought about Boy George's song Smile
What a wanker, that dicbreath...Bleh.

"The Crying Game" is superb, speaking of Boy George.
robb: yeah, that was partially intentional.

amor: mentioning sicdeth and "the crying game" in the same post? how appropriate.

y'know, the funny thing is - he'll come here and read this and then post on anti's board about how i'm a bitch for posting something about him on a board where he can't post.

he's done it before, he's that stupid.