---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

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Am I

a) very stupid
b) a whinging git?

It seems that, every time I post at anti-forum, someone says I am bitching whereas (in this case) I merely posted a description of the interior of a court room. What the fuck is up with that?

I don't know why I bother posting anything anymore.
i think you know what i'm going to say...

i think you should post where you're valued, and respected.
Which is here. I don't know why you went back to that place. I loved your court post.
oh, Girl Fly, you should be careful what you say here because someone trolls here and reads things like this and then holds them against you elsewhere.

ask amor.

Definitely Buzzy! You should watch out. We should all do this in private...
I don't care - I'm telling the truth. If someone has a go at me in the anti-forum, I'll tell them to their face. I'm not saying anything that's untrue. There are people there who treat me like shit, although lucking they're in the minority.
buzz: did you see what was done to amor's avatar and custom title? pretty mature, huh?

(Edited by JuggleFoe at 1:18 pm on May 18, 2001)