---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

Full Version: interesting notes concerning wcw from linda mcmahon | from a financial press conference
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from wrestleline.com


First off, WCW will get on its feet with its own house shows following July's Invasion PPV. If all goes well, the hope is to have a WCW pay-per-view event in October; from the sound of things WCW will not have a full-on monthly PPV schedule at first, and will promote only 3 or 4 PPVs during FY2002.

And then, regarding WCW television, Linda said there are no plans to acquire a new slot for WCW shows, and though she didn't come right out and say so, a lot of people are taking that as confirmation that -- in time -- Monday night's TNN slot will belong to WCW. Further fuel for the fire: Linda confirmed that within a few months, SmackDown! will air LIVE on Thursday nights, and won't be taped on Tuesdays (which would make sense only if the WWF crew is no longer needed for Monday night tapings).


maybe wcw will steal "raw" at invasion, "nWo" style, eh?