---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

Full Version: Great  video!! | and song too
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Destiny's Child "Emotions". I love the concept of the video, and how it's acted and constructed. Plus the way Beyonce sings brings back the old MAriah Carey, before she lost her voice. Great song...
I haven't seen the video/ heard the song, but  find it mildly hard to believe a Destiny's Child song is actually GOOD.
oh no, here we go again...


Did I unknownigly step on a land-mine?
Cause if I did, I didn't mean to.
Just said my opinion, tha's all. Didn't mean to raise any argument.
Live in peace, folks
Have a nice day
yeah, the artistic validity of the offerings of "destiny's child" is a topic that's caused bloodshed before.

And I thought JR was a 'real man'TM.

Haha. Wink
grinz, that's not a topic you have any real right to be pontificating upon, either way.

all further chatter in this folder should directly correspond to the topic title, and the posts pertaining to it.