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Full Version: movies i've seen recently | ps- this is an "in praise of" thread
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unbreakable, o brother where art thou?, and bruiser.
I saw and liked the first two.  "Bruiser" I just heard about yesterday.  I gotta pay more attention to what Romero's doing these days...I'll try to rent it this weekend.
yeah, in theory, it's an interesting film.
Damnit Foe, the one time I want to post in a long time and you take the topic right out of my mind! With subtitle too! Wink
First, Unbreakable is exceptional, really.
Now to my two movies. Pearl Harbour, aside from the poor subject, an awesome movie, incredible  imaginery, the wayit was filmed, the effects, it was a balst, I didn't get bored for three hours. Really a fest for the eye.

And the surprise Lara Croft Tomb Raider, which I only went to see because of ANgelina and because my sister wanted too. And this movie rocked! The FX were super, I missed seeing am ovie like this, with blasts and noise and all..Super. The only regret was that I didn't get to hear U2's Elevation at the end. And Angelina, what can I say, it  scares me sometimes how beautiful she is. She is really stunning, she's so beautiful it hurts.

And Eyes Wide Shut, on TV this time, loved it too.

(Edited by Amor Fati at 11:18 pm on Oct. 12, 2001)
part of me actually wants to see "zoolander"...

i thought unbreakable was a GREAT story, especially how it treated the lore of comic books, and their place in our society as possible exaggerated myths.

bruiser was an interesting film, mostly about how you can't let people walk all over you, and about how you can't let the world devalue you, and allow yourself to lose identity.

and i thought that o brother, where art thou? was a stroke of inspiration. until i started watching the film, i didn't know it was an enterpretation of homer's "the oddesy". it rocked. the characters were all great, and larger than life. once again, mythology = great.
I seen tombraider too, about a month ago, and suprisinly, I found it quite good too.... I mean, I was expecting it to fit in with all the hype of being a film aimed at young, hormonal men, but the film turned out to be quite substantional.....