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damn. mario kart was always one of the best games for super nintendo, and now it's available in four player, four screen version on gameboy advance!


cool thing is: if you have all the cords to connect four gba's, you all play off of the same cartridge! how fucking cool is that?!

i recently went to kb toy at the merchandise mart here in chicago, and i could get a gba and a game for about $150.

and seeing as i waited until just a few weeks ago to actually file my taxes, i do have a few hundred or so dollars coming to me...
Wow, that four player on one cartridge bit sounds really sweet! Are you sure you can do that? That would be the first time in the history of handhelds that they allowed two or more players to play off one cartridge.
dude, i'm almost positive. in the ad it says "four can play off one cartridge" or something to that general effect.

i think nintendo did it just for the "wow!" factor, and it sure sold me.

i'm gonna go out and get one tomorrow, like the consumer whore that i am.

[Image: rejectedconsumer.gif]

click here for more info...
I like this part:
Quote:On top of that, every Game Boy and Game Boy Color game can be played on the GBA.  That's the most games of any system.
Here's the part about multiplayer. It seems like some games allow you to share the game pak:
Quote:* Some games only require a single Game Pak to play Multiplayer
* Some games will require multiple Game Paks to play Multiplayer

Look for the GBA Link Cable icon on the Game Pak package to see if a game supports multiplayer game play, and check the game's instruction manual to see which options the game supports.
Sounds pretty sweet. It's too bad I'm trying to save my money, else I'd get one.
Hey Foe, since your buying a GBA, check these links out:
The Flash Advance Compatability Chart

cool, i'll check those links out later.

yeah, i picked one up on my way to work. i got mario kart, the gba, and an ac adapter. it came with two double a batteries, though.

so, here's the straight dope on the mario kart 4 player mode.

you can have four players using one cart. it's a limited version of the game, though. you all have to be yoshi. you probably race on less-complicated versions of the tracks, too.

i'm not going to complain. think about that. 4 units reading and playing off of the same exact cart.

it's better than nothing.

of course, you can play with four carts, and play a fully fleshed-out four player mode.

either way, playing on four seperate screens is awesome, in my opinion.