---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

Full Version: Man on the moon
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Saw this one again tonight. What a superb movie...I mean I only new Andy Kaufman from Taxi, but this movie was just beautiful, and Jim Carrey should have gotten an Oscar...
heh... cameos from jerry "the king" lawler, and jim "jr" ross...

didja' check out the link in this thread?

i mean, i know you posted in that thread, but i wondered if you had checked out the link to that neat article that i had posted...
I did now. Nice...Truly nice...But the movie was amazing too.
So that neck thing was apparently real..That was the part I was moslty wondering about..did he really break his neck or not..
This is the ONE Jim Carrey film I missed... damnit..... I really should get the video....
nah, amor. the whole thing was a story.

that just proves how perfect a medium of storytelling pro wrestling can be, and why kaufman was a fucking genius for recognizing it, and utilizing it.
Truly amazing.
And Sorrow, you should check this movie out.