---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

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-D U V E T-
(song performed by BOA.)

And you don't seem to understand
A shame; you seemed an honest man

And all the fears you hold so dear
Will turn to whisper in your ear
And you know what they say, I (won't?) hurt you
And you know that it means so much
And you don't even feel a thing

Oh, I am falling
I am fading
I have lost it all...
HURT~!  Oh yeah...
HURT~!  Oh yeah...
Oh, I am falling
I am fading
I am drowning
Now that you're (free?)
Oh, I am hurting
I have lost it all
I am losing
Now that you're (free?)...

This is from an anime series called: "Serial Experiments Lain". It's a great piece of work. I've only seen the first 4 episodes of it, but hope to see the rest at som point in the not so distant future.