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I can't go a day without eating sweets. No matter what...Right now I have on my desk three packs of chocolate cream filled biscuits, two Snickers bars and two strawberry cream filled chocolates... Plus a box of caramel filled bonbons! These should last me for like a couple of days...I love sweets.
i like jellybabies.

also, those "sugar coated candy fruit" type candies are good. you know, the fake ones that are colored and flavored like oranges and watermelons.

i even sort of like the fake ginger. i can't stand real candied ginger, though. blech. tastes like soap to me.

chuckles are good, too.
The fruit shaped candies are called "Runts". I like them too.

Amor: How are your teeth feeling? (place gap-toothed grin smiley here) Smile
I have a weakness for sweets too, but need to work on it, cause I've been gaining weight lately...


I need to start smoking more regularly again...
Once I managed to be without sweets for a month, I started disliking them. As was with sodas. This led me to the conclusion that sugar must be addictive. Wink I've been having much easier time with my weight since then...
Robb, oddly enough my teeth are fine. Plus from time to time I have a nutella jar on my kitchen table...That doesn't last long.
I have to cut on the sweets though, I have been gaining weight. Plus Coca Cola is totally ruining my stomach...
Jelly Bellies are the shit. Those exotic flavored ones.

And let's not forget Little Debbies...
actually robb, i'm not talking about runts, but those are okay, too.

these are like flat slices of jelly fruits. oranges and watermelons. and the "rinds" are covered in granulated sugar.
Oh ok, I know what you're talking about. Those are good too.

Quote:Quote: from DV on 2:40 pm on June 26, 2001
And let's not forget Little Debbies...
I used to buy a truckload of Little Debbie's snacks. I mean, why not? The're only about $1.25 for a box of 12 snacks Smile
dude, every day in highschool my lunch consisted of a bag of sunchips or a bag of combos, two packages of ring dings, and two whole white milks.
i'm spoiled when it comes to candies, anyway.

i've probably mentioned this a billion times, but in littleton, new hampshire there's this great candy shop.

general chutter's

last i checked their candy counter was certified the world's longest and entered into the guinness book of world records.

check it out here.

i knew the people who run the place, too. they're a cool family. they also have more than candy in the "downstairs" part of the store. i bought a kick-ass purple glass doorknob-handled cane there once.
? I'm getting a strange image from that description, but it sounds like it might look cool...
Quote:Quote: from JuggleFoe on 11:00 pm on June 26, 2001
i bought a kick-ass purple glass doorknob-handled cane there once.
I was talking about this description of the cane specifically Smile
oh. it was a colored glass doorknob on the end of a walking cane.

you know, the kind that are like 8-sided, and they're sort of shaped like a diamond. it was this really nice shade of purple.

i mocked up a simple little graphic...

[Image: purpleglasshandle.gif]

(Edited by JuggleFoe at 9:23 pm on June 27, 2001)
Pages: 1 2