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last year when i was living in lancaster, it was suddenly a big thing for people in my "clique" for lack of a better word (Nod to mick foley) to always have a bottle of water with them.

we're not talking store-bought bottled water, though. we're talking ice cold spring water. well, not straight out of the spring, but damn near. the water in the lancaster/whitefield area was fucking awesome. no bleachy/chlorine smell, or anything.

and now that it's summer again, i'm pretty much doing the same thing.

i've got these two plastic old screw-top campbell's soup bottles. they're relatively beefy.

i keep one in the fridge, and when i'm done with the other one, i've always got fridge-cold water for drinking.
The water that comes from the pipe in here, is pure ground water. A bit costly compared to cities with that chlorinesludge water, but damn good.
Cool.  Tap water up here isn't too bad, but we use a filter anyway.  Seattle tapwater tastes like someone's washed their car engine in it.
That sucks. My girlfriend has always filled several water bottles with tap water and keeps them in the fridge. There are about 10 or more in there Smile Our tap isn't bad at all, especially when it's cold.
I reuse Aquafina bottles all the time. Very handy.
i wanna get one of those filter pitchers.
I'm like inertia here, tap water, with a filter. And lots of ice, of course...
Hmmm.... I suddenly realize how good water we actually have here... Shocked