---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

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Pages: 1 2
North America !


Don't be, there is still a part of NA that does not use English as it's main language...

Guess where !

Bonne Chance
It would have been really strange to have somebody from Mehico here...
So you're a Canadian...Right?
Well, unless you're from Mexico and tossed that bit of French out there to confuse us, I'm going to assume that you're from either Quebec or Ontario?

I'm from BC, myself.  Although I'm legally fluent (I took French 12), my French isn't that great.  I was in French immersion for the first few years of elementary school, but I seem to have forgotten most of it.Sad
You get a load of text out before I even see the thread the first time... You really don't have much to do, don't you? Smile

But hi! Write, don't run off like some...
Well North by north East should have been a dead giveaway.

Yes Quebec and most of the newer generations are partially or fully bilinguals.

I got to learn English on Vancouver Island, great summers sailing (oh memories...)

À la prochaine.
Pages: 1 2