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OK so one of my best friends raised this issue and I thought about it while watching that wedding tape too. The church thing. I mean I don't believe in God or anything, I'm not a religious person, not even mildly religious, so what do I do with the wedding? Which supposes church and all that related stuff... I eman I don't know if I can stand standing in that church for an hour and hearing that priest calling me "slave of God" or whatever...I don't know...

(Edited by Amor Fati at 6:34 am on July 2, 2001)
get married outside by a justice of the peace, or whoever is legally allowed to marry people.

just cut religion out of the equation altogether.
Foe's right. And those times I have to go to church, I still have respect for the other people ther, who believe, and act accordingly. But I ain't doing any of those prayers or stuff. I sing though, 'cause I like it.

Other reson for me behaving is that what if christian God exists, but not exactly as they think? What if someone would come to your house, act like you weren't there, and go straight to the fridge, take a beer and stretch out on the sofa to watch TV?

Still, even if the damn diety would exist, I wouldn't act differently. I want to live my life like I see fit, and if some being with ultimate power has issues with it, it can go do something with itself. We aren't THAT interesting...
Yeah but I'm not the only one getting married, and my fiancee's family is quite religious...
sounds like you're going to have a sincere "sit-down-and-talk" with her family, then.
Or you could just tough it out, making both your future wife and her family happy. That would definately score you even more points in her eyes. But that's just what I'd do.

Most religious people aren't that bad. There's a huge difference between having true faith, and being a fanatic. One thing Jesus was trying to point out is that one SHOULDN'T flaunt his religious practices. That accomplishes nothing. Don't let people like Jack Chick and Jerry Falwell decieve you-REAL Christians are nothing like them.
the best christians are the ones who never tell you they're christians. i always have tons more respect for someone who chooses to live a "virtuous" life simply by choice, rather than because they're worried about what some "higher power" thinks of their actions.

i was gonna jokingly say "the only good christian is a dead christian"... Wink

(Edited by JuggleFoe at 7:22 pm on July 2, 2001)
Quote:the best christians are the ones who never tell you they're christians

They can be the worst sometimes to, especially when they use it as an excuse  for example, to be homophobes.  Some people never mention it at all, never comes up, then suddenly u mention gay people and they get on their religious high horse.  I don't like those people, they're stupid.  Smile
All prejudiced people are...