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Some ppl here dont like TOOL. I mean the shock!

[Image: eek2.gif]
This is for the flames and rants forum please...
I wouldn't say it's a flame or a rant, more of a simple statement really. I'll have to admit that I like some of the songs on Tool's Lateralus album, but I wouldn't even know the names of the songs. I've never followed them or even own one of their albums (I beleive my girlfriend does).

Don't act so surprised Will if people don't share the same opinion of something that you do. We're all going to be different and have different opinions. Until scientists perfect cloning at least. Then you can act surprised when your clone disagrees with you. Wink
Yeah. I mean you don't see me amazed that nobody else around here likes BonJovi... Blush Blushing
Good thing I don't know anything about Tool... Drunkorelvis
Me neither Wink
I've managed to cope with the majority of you guys not giving a toss about The Cure for the better part of two years, so I'm sure Will will be able to adjust.
I wouldn't say that i don't give a toss about The Cure. I lik'em, and I am looking to buy Disintegration. Only I can't find it here. Sad
uh ... nobody likes Bon Jovi???
Uhm...only I do.
And I thought I had found a home.

TOOL kick big fat arse.

They're coming to aus and only playing two cities unfortunately, but they said they will back later inteh year to do the whole country.

Bon Jovi rocks my world too, well at least when I was 11 he did.  That was one mean mullet he had back in the 80's.  It was insane, practically had its own post code.
Im in love. Wait, Australia? I have a bad history with Australien women.
us Aus chicks put the 'alien' in 'Australien'.
And the PEST in pestilence.

JF knows what I mean.
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