---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

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(edit: ya' fudged the link. Wink )

(Edited by JuggleFoe at 2:17 am on May 8, 2001)
ooh! spanky!

i thought you were talking about sicdeth for a moment there - then two things occured to me.

1. you said "doctor", and sicdeth will never reach such a high level of education.
2. sicdeth has never used his penis.


It's an extract from The Surgeon of Crowthorne, given to me by Convent School for winning the English Award.

Tad strange, eh?
yeah, just mildly peculiar, to say the least...

Your voice sounds really mature. But I expected it.
That kicked ass.  Big grin on my face right now.  $50 says the author is British.  Am I right?

BTW, didja ever read that "An Examination" piece I posted a while back?