---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

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Pages: 1 2
truthfully, i never even bothered to use those "back" and "forward" buttons, and once glace brought it up last week, i tried 'em and they work fine for me.

you're all on PCs, huh?
Cussing I'll come and eat your apple!! Wink

Cool hey- stay coooool.  Cool
Yeah, I never knew there was a problem until I started my new job, where I'm on a PC all day.
Quote:Quote: from JuggleFoe on 10:18 pm on July 12, 2001


And the beginning of the end of holybuffalo.com has begun. I hope I don't lose my dental plan because of this...
I really couldn't tell you why it does that either. Maybe I'll try letting the author know. Until then, I would recommend using the jump menu or the forum links that appear above the post.
But wasn't what I said funny? Yeah?
I thought it was funny, fallen Cheesy

*someone in the corner shouts 'SUCKUP!!'*
Well it doesn't matter what others think as long as you blindly follow me in deep admiration and love. Or, something like that. Just no stalkers, please. No...I'm serious.
Pages: 1 2