---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

Full Version: I think we have a record!!!!
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Active members: 8!!! Hooah...We're coming out!
...of the closet?

No Foe, the doors are tight shut...
The problem with that being that it then becomes more like a delayed chatroom than a message board - people start having conversations in topics and start posting 'ok' and 'yeah' and 'lol' as single word messages.

In other words:  anarchy reigns.
whoah, amor. check out your status!

all hail the bishop of the sacred horn!
Quote:Quote: from Lacking in meaning on 4:55 pm on July 11, 2001
The problem with that being that it then becomes more like a delayed chatroom than a message board - people start having conversations in topics and start posting 'ok' and 'yeah' and 'lol' as single word messages.

In other words:  anarchy reigns.


you're still more than 500 posts behind me.

Grrr...:angry: Bandit
heh heh heh...
Alarm Machine_gun Eatthis
i love these message boards

*sits back and cracks open a bottle of metz*

i think i'm going to like it here...

*evil smile*
hey wheres my avatar????
wait........there it is!
yeah, take note: every time you go to save changes in your profile, make sure you've re-selected your avatar.

Pages: 1 2