---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

Full Version: In the year 3030 everybody wants to tell you | ...the meaning of music
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It's been too long.

I don't really have an excuse.

I've just not been here.

At the moment I'm listening to Eminem, and missing someone terribly.

double ouch.
Well at least tell us if you're going to stay, so we wouldn't get heat up fpr nothing.
I'm staying.
Good, we missed you. What made you come back?
the buttsex.
...And me.

Although not in combination with one another.
Good. Now can you get Sy here too?
Best not to go there, my friend.  Buzz n' sy aren't really talking; best to just leave it at that.
'K. I'm happy with Buzz here.

now if only i could convince KnOwFuRy to post more, and FetshGrl to register.

I don't know about knowfury, I don't know her, but fetshgirl Thumbsup
Also, I miss Neph, Apache, Kourous and Toad. Plus I can't get Skag's email addy...

i dunno what to tell ya'.

i invited all of them, but toad and kour.

i think i even invited maj.
Fetshgrl rules.

I miss all the old crew as well. Sad

Kourous came over to anti's at first, but she might have lost track of us when anti moved the board.  Mayhaps I should send her an email; I haven't in a while...
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