---(+ Holy Buffalo +)---

Full Version: How about this for a confusing thing | actually, it isn't that confusing
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The newest member is called 'lim'.  That's the end of that short lived abbreviation of my name then.  I never really liked it much anyway.
Yeah, I was wondering about that.
Damnit, now what am I supposed to call you when I'm too lazy to type Lacking In Meaning? Cussing
You could always call him "Richard" or possibly "Hey you" or even the valiant "sugar puff"
I like "sugar puff", I'm eating some now. Smile
You're eating Richard?!?!?  

Hmm, did he sell his body to a cadaver vendor so that I might purchase his brains for eating? Fortunately, I'd rather not eat him. I'd rather eat one of my favorite sugar puff cereals "Golden Crisp."