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----(+ Holy Buffalo +)--- ( |
-- Posted by CardsForSorrow on 11:00 am on Jan. 30, 2002 THE END
-- Posted by Glacialis on 3:59 pm on Jan. 30, 2002 Erm... now that's traditional.
-- Posted by Amor Fati on 11:07 am on Jan. 31, 2002 Tell me more. Or this is all there is to it?
-- Posted by CardsForSorrow on 2:39 pm on Jan. 31, 2002
He wasn't answering my calls, so I wrote him a letter, explaining how I felt, etc. In the letter, I said I would phone him on Wednesday to talk, and that if he didn't answer, I would walk out of his life forever.
-- Posted by Amor Fati on 3:12 am on Feb. 2, 2002
What a fucking coward...Long may his heart be tormented.
-- Posted by LennyTerd on 10:31 pm on Feb. 5, 2002
i would have whacked the son of a bitches head in with a baseball bat
-- Posted by CardsForSorrow on 2:39 pm on Feb. 6, 2002
I need his memory out of my head. I need out of Luton. I need out of my own life.
-- Posted by Glacialis on 6:18 am on Feb. 14, 2002
That's just that you want a way out. Dying's the most easy one, but I don't think you really want to do that. I wouldn't want you to do that. Hating doesn't help anyone, least yourself. Try to get past hate.
-- Posted by CardsForSorrow on 12:19 pm on Feb. 15, 2002 Feeling better.... every day is a small mountain, but I'm getting there.... at least I now know I don't nee him anymore...
-- Posted by Amor Fati on 1:25 pm on Feb. 15, 2002 Hate is good sometimes.
-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 3:24 pm on Feb. 15, 2002
Sorry for this, but...
-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 3:31 pm on Feb. 15, 2002
I bet you sit around, cross-legged, nodding your head thoughtfully like a disciple, musing over the troubles of the world, mourning the evil of the human race. Has it never occured to you that simply calling everyone a 'beautiful person' (as if it means anything) or spouting deep-sounding but ultimately farcical statements about life and the universe makes you really look rather silly?
-- Posted by Fallen on 3:36 pm on Feb. 15, 2002
Mihnea you are quite naive, but you're sincere.
-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 3:40 pm on Feb. 15, 2002
He's NOT sincere, that's the whole point.
-- Posted by Fallen on 3:45 pm on Feb. 15, 2002 No, he IS sincere in his campaign to be the 'trout'.
-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 3:46 pm on Feb. 15, 2002
I couldn't think of a good noun to finish of with, that's all.
-- Posted by Amor Fati on 10:10 am on Feb. 16, 2002
Do you know me, Richard? You probably think you know me well enough to label me as being part of a "type". Well you are wrong. I don't know what triggered this rant of yours, but you don't know me. And you don't know my "type" either, since there's no such thing. You have no idea who I am, or what I'm capable of. "Trout"? "Saccharine"? These words totally lack in meaning to me.
-- Posted by Amor Fati on 10:15 am on Feb. 16, 2002
And Maggie, I probably won't interfere any more with your trouble.
-- Posted by Amor Fati on 11:48 am on Feb. 16, 2002 And fuck you for ruining my mood with this stupid, stupid stunt you pulled, Richard...
-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 12:08 pm on Feb. 16, 2002
Of course I don't know you at all, no. I know that I don't.
-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 12:19 pm on Feb. 16, 2002 Also, I think your response accentuated my point. However, I don't wish to argue with you, my previous posts were not an insult, they were an opinion.
-- Posted by Amor Fati on 12:48 pm on Feb. 16, 2002 Alright then.
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