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----(+ Holy Buffalo +)--- (
--The Prairie (
---I Guess I Have Found A Way To Finish My Story (

-- Posted by CardsForSorrow on 11:00 am on Jan. 30, 2002


-- Posted by Glacialis on 3:59 pm on Jan. 30, 2002

Erm... now that's traditional.

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 11:07 am on Jan. 31, 2002

Tell me more. Or this is all there is to it?

-- Posted by CardsForSorrow on 2:39 pm on Jan. 31, 2002

He wasn't answering my calls, so I wrote him a letter, explaining how I felt, etc. In the letter, I said I would phone him on Wednesday to talk, and that if he didn't answer, I would walk out of his life forever.

Never mind not answering, he switched his phone off.

I'm not bitter though, just glad I know where I stand now.

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 3:12 am on Feb. 2, 2002

What a fucking coward...Long may his heart be tormented.
The end, for me, came in exact the opposite manner (you know the situation...). I kept calling every day, talking, asking, wishing, and being turned down everytime.
One day her phone seamed to not be working, or I don't know what, but fact is that the next day she asked her roomy, my best friend, how come i haven't called, because I used to do that every day. She was upset...That was the final offense.

-- Posted by LennyTerd on 10:31 pm on Feb. 5, 2002

i would have whacked the son of a bitches head in with a baseball bat

(Edited by LennyTerd at 7:32 pm on Feb. 5, 2002)

-- Posted by CardsForSorrow on 2:39 pm on Feb. 6, 2002

I need his memory out of my head. I need out of Luton. I need out of my own life.

I hate everyone and everything in my life, including my best friend and myself. Why do I suddenly feel I want to die?

-- Posted by Glacialis on 6:18 am on Feb. 14, 2002

That's just that you want a way out. Dying's the most easy one, but I don't think you really want to do that. I wouldn't want you to do that. Hating doesn't help anyone, least yourself. Try to get past hate.

*sigh* Mild advice, but what else can I give?. :(

-- Posted by CardsForSorrow on 12:19 pm on Feb. 15, 2002

Feeling better.... every day is a small mountain, but I'm getting there.... at least I now know I don't nee him anymore...

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 1:25 pm on Feb. 15, 2002

Hate is good sometimes.

-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 3:24 pm on Feb. 15, 2002

Sorry for this, but...

What a pretentious bastard you are, Amor Fati.  Jesus.  You try to come off as this wise, understanding life-guru, and it just makes you look stupid.

If anyone disagrees with me, read this topic:

What a faux-"profound" idiot.

-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 3:31 pm on Feb. 15, 2002

I bet you sit around, cross-legged, nodding your head thoughtfully like a disciple, musing over the troubles of the world, mourning the evil of the human race.  Has it never occured to you that simply calling everyone a 'beautiful person' (as if it means anything) or spouting deep-sounding but ultimately farcical statements about life and the universe makes you really look rather silly?

'Hate is good sometimes'

And this is my favourite quote:

CfS:  this means it is the worst time to talk to him

AF:  ...or is it?...

CfS:  yes, yes it is


Stop trying to be solemn and perceptive and noble.  You buffoon.

-- Posted by Fallen on 3:36 pm on Feb. 15, 2002

Mihnea you are quite naive, but you're sincere.
Ah well.

-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 3:40 pm on Feb. 15, 2002

He's NOT sincere, that's the whole point.

He's a smug, shallow, insubstantial, self-indulgent, delusioned trout.

Actually, this is more of a rant against his 'type' than a rant against him.

It's just....Christ!  Don't you realise how saccharine you all are?

(all of you that are his 'type'...heh)

-- Posted by Fallen on 3:45 pm on Feb. 15, 2002

No, he IS sincere in his campaign to be the 'trout'.

-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 3:46 pm on Feb. 15, 2002

I couldn't think of a good noun to finish of with, that's all.

I was going to use 'moron' or 'idiot', but they're too generic, and I think I had already used them once each anyway...

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 10:10 am on Feb. 16, 2002

Do you know me, Richard? You probably think you know me well enough to label me as being part of a "type". Well you are wrong. I don't know what triggered this rant of yours, but you don't know me. And you don't know my "type" either, since there's no such thing. You have no idea who I am, or what I'm capable of. "Trout"? "Saccharine"? These words totally lack in meaning to me.
You don't know how or when to listen. You don't, and therefore you cannot understand ones who do.
The hate part was a reply to Glacialis. He said it's not good, my opinion is that it is good sometimes. Did my statement disappoint you or what?
You don't know me. You are the one who's shallow.

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 10:15 am on Feb. 16, 2002

And Maggie, I probably won't interfere any more with your trouble.
My feet are numb, I've been sitting coorss legged for too long probably...

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 11:48 am on Feb. 16, 2002

And fuck you for ruining my mood with this stupid, stupid stunt you pulled, Richard...

-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 12:08 pm on Feb. 16, 2002

Of course I don't know you at all, no.  I know that I don't.

It wasn't a 'stunt'.

And I'm sorry for ruining your mood- don't be offended.

And I DO know how and when to listen.  Sorreh.

Ignore the word 'trout'.  It wasn't important.  And I think you know what I mean by 'saccharine', don't you?

-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 12:19 pm on Feb. 16, 2002

Also, I think your response accentuated my point.  However, I don't wish to argue with you, my previous posts were not an insult, they were an opinion.

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 12:48 pm on Feb. 16, 2002

Alright then.

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