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----(+ Holy Buffalo +)--- (
--Tech Talk (
---Z-Write word processor (

-- Posted by jeffhot on 7:36 pm on April 16, 2001

This is a great share ware app that I've just become aware of. It doesn't have all of the robust features of the top notch word processors, but it's key feature is amazing.

In a single file, you can keep many different threads going at once. This is very helpful for organizing thoughts and maintaining the creative process. Instead of being forced to write completely linearly, you can simultaneously develop many ideas, and then work them together later.

Check it out

-- Posted by AmandaKaT on 7:01 am on Aug. 7, 2001

this forum looked lonely so i thought i'd make a contribution

that sounds like a good program.  i mite give it a go next time i write a story, tho that prob wont be until i start college in september.

-- Posted by Glacialis on 11:26 am on Aug. 7, 2001

I'd remember that guy was a Mac-ie, so it's prob for mac, so unless you have a mac, that could be a problem.

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