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----(+ Holy Buffalo +)--- (
--The Pile (
---Planning to move (

-- Posted by Glacialis on 12:31 pm on Jan. 7, 2002

I'm planning on moving to Turku in Summer. I have most my friends there, it's a big enough city, there's a university where I'm applying for philosophy...

Just need to get a job for the Spring to get some money. At the moment I have €1200, and I don't think that'll make me secure until I've found a job there. A bit exciting thought. To move out on my own, that is.

I'd be happy about stories of how you made it, and what kind of things to keep in mind.

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 12:34 pm on Jan. 7, 2002

I would only move to another country. never to another city in my country.  Couldn't...

-- Posted by Glacialis on 12:44 pm on Jan. 7, 2002

After living that month buying food and living "independently" and doing all kinds of stuff like that, I feel even more horribly restricted by my parents and this little town I live in. I've been thinking about moving there for close to 2 months now, and now my mind is firmly set.

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 12:46 pm on Jan. 7, 2002

All I can say is good luck. But I'd love to live in a city with forests and sea Kotka is.

-- Posted by Glacialis on 12:55 pm on Jan. 7, 2002

Turku's on the coast too. It's got forest around it, like practically all finnish cities. After all, we're the most forested country in Europe. Not a bad trade. From where I'm going to move, it's 500m to the edge of the forest. :)

-- Posted by Amor Fati on 12:57 pm on Jan. 7, 2002

Alright then. ;)

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