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----(+ Holy Buffalo +)--- ( |
-- Posted by Glacialis on 12:29 pm on Oct. 29, 2001
Last week, I spent in one of the larger cities of Finland with my buddies there. I ended up hanging around a lot with this one bi-girl and a bi-guy, but my point's that I, thanks to her, accepted that I'm also attracted to good looking guys. The loss of the weight of years of shame and guilt has really made me feel good.
-- Posted by JuggleFoe on 8:42 pm on Oct. 29, 2001
yeah! fag it up!
-- Posted by Glacialis on 9:16 pm on Oct. 29, 2001 Thx Foe. That means a lot. :biggrin:
-- Posted by CardsForSorrow on 3:15 pm on Nov. 1, 2001 I'm so pleased for you.... to people it must be a great relief when you realize the truth, can admit it, and tell everyone... it must be very freeing
-- Posted by Noa on 10:14 am on Nov. 2, 2001
Yeah.. I agree with everything that has been said here and I'm happy for you for realizing the truth and being able to say it out loud and know your envoronment is accepting
-- Posted by Glacialis on 11:53 am on Nov. 2, 2001
Also as in girls and ALSO guys. And of course they have to be good looking. We won't usually get attracted to people we don't consider good looking. After getting to know a person, the other person's psyche comes to play also.
-- Posted by Fallen on 10:57 am on Dec. 3, 2001
Indeed. The group of people that I tend to spend the majority of my time with have some of the most intriguing sexual orientations I've seen in a long time. Cody, my girlfriend, is omnisexual. As am I in so many respects. Necole is asexual, having nothing to do with sex. Male Cody is...well we're not exactly sure what he is yet. We believe he thinks he's heterosexual only because he'sin extreme denial of his homosexuality. Matt dearest is very openly bi-sexual. My lovely mother is a lesbian, and most of my friends would party at a gay bar any time. In other's words.... Fag it up!
-- Posted by Glacialis on 11:42 am on Dec. 3, 2001 Now, you seem to have a pretty happy little congregation there. Why couldn't I grow up with people like that? Oh yeah: Small town, small town attitudes.
-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 11:51 am on Dec. 3, 2001
-- Posted by Fallen on 11:24 am on Dec. 4, 2001
Omni means everything. Therefore everything goes, right? And indeed it does.
-- Posted by Lacking in meaning on 12:03 pm on Dec. 4, 2001
I am well aware of the meaning of the prefix 'omni'.
-- Posted by Glacialis on 2:41 pm on Dec. 4, 2001
-- Posted by Fallen on 6:03 pm on Dec. 7, 2001
Philias? Why yes indeed.
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