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Topic: Invasion
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Thread Review for Invasion (newest post first)
WILL Posted on 4:51 am on July 2, 2001
Suspence is better for hype than action I think.

Them arguing and all is better, but if they fight all the time whats the point in a main event. I think that when you have an angle with an injured wrestler who is making his comeback in the main event id best. Always a good fight.
JuggleFoe Posted on 4:46 am on July 2, 2001
yeah, they usually try to mix it up by having one of the guys from the ppv main event in a match with someone else, and then having their ppv opponent do a run-in, or have both of them in a tag match with guys from a lower-card match.

gotta keep the angle warm, otherwise interest might die down.
WILL Posted on 4:42 am on July 2, 2001
It always seems to be stale to me. Like you see the main event in many forms on RAW and SMACKDOWN, but its just the same at PPVs. They should not have wrestlers fighting eachother the week before a PPV with then as the main event.

JuggleFoe Posted on 4:34 am on July 2, 2001
yeah, sometimes the main event does seem over-hyped.
WILL Posted on 4:30 am on July 2, 2001
I dont know about Austin Booker T.

I rarely watch main events, I find the real matches are the ones just before the mian eventer. Matches like Angle  V Shane O'Mac,  Mankind V Undertaker (Hell in a Cell)

Both way better than the shite which followed.
JuggleFoe Posted on 4:21 am on July 2, 2001
i think rhyno/awesome happened back in ecw, and ddp/benoit happened in wcw. i'm not positive, though.
WILL Posted on 2:16 am on July 2, 2001
These are all matches Id like to see, I dont know which Id like to see the most, but what would you like to see?

Iv rated the options out of 5 stars for how much I like to see them. Options 7 onwards couldnt happen at invasion, but eventually.

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