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Topic: What the fuck?
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Thread Review for What the fuck? (newest post first)
Glacialis Posted on 11:31 am on Dec. 3, 2001
Oki. For you and Mihnea.
Fallen Posted on 10:41 am on Dec. 3, 2001
Maybe I will continue to stay here-but only if Ile can keep his talk of "You Know Who" to a minimum.

The jealous seething bitch doesn't want to hear about it.
Amor Fati Posted on 2:26 pm on Dec. 2, 2001
Kris, no teasing please, tell me you're here to  stay!
Glacialis Posted on 12:55 pm on Dec. 2, 2001
*chuckles* Finally she's saying it straight...
Fallen Posted on 9:03 pm on Dec. 1, 2001
I was calling you a whore as a joke if you couldn't tell, but I'm hoping you'll take the subtle hint that I'm asking you nicely to not continue to talk about (insert incessantly here) having sex with her.

Or do if you want, I'm not here really that much anymore.
Glacialis Posted on 2:53 pm on Dec. 1, 2001
Noa: Yep. That's pretty much the standard in this world. Someone always comes and blows your dreams away.

Fallen: Yup. Can't wait for the 2 weeks to pass. You can call me a whore, I guess. I'm living on her bill as a payment of sorts,  and having sex with her.
Noa Posted on 3:14 am on Dec. 1, 2001
You just had to ruin all the fun, didn't you.
A girl can't even have simple dreams anymore, someone always feels the ethical urge to come and shatter them all.
Fallen Posted on 5:52 pm on Nov. 30, 2001
Well I figured as much that you didn't miss me last week, you little whore. (See here where I called Ile the whore, not you.) You'll be gone to see her for more than three weeks? Christ.
Glacialis Posted on 12:21 pm on Nov. 30, 2001
Quote: from Fallen posted at 6:58 pm on Nov. 30, 2001

And I guess Ile didn't miss me. Eh? Quite alright, I suppose. You had other things on the mind....

Well, last week I didn't. Before that I did. Had lots to do last week. I'll go to Turku on the 14th next month and come back on Jan 6th. And I got meself a Nokia 6210. Ohhh yeaahhh.
Noa Posted on 9:14 am on Nov. 30, 2001
Was I just called a whore? was IIIIII just called a whore???

Fallen Posted on 8:58 am on Nov. 30, 2001
I'm dreadfully sorry Mihnea. Here's a kitty treat for you.

Well then, to set things straight. I am Kris. Yes, the Kris that they just constantly talk about. Glacialis is my sweetest Ile, you little whore. Amor is Mihnea. Lacking in Meaning, who I doubt you'll see much of is the lovely Richard. Who, I might add, was NVP from Freaks. YES! The Not  Very Profound! He is my friend. Cards is Mags. And uh.....Yeah.

And I guess Ile didn't miss me. Eh? Quite alright, I suppose. You had other things on the mind....
Glacialis Posted on 6:04 am on Nov. 28, 2001
*pats Noa on the head*

You should've joined earlier.
Noa Posted on 10:05 am on Nov. 27, 2001
Bah. I hate this sort of threads. Where everybody calls each other by their real names and knows each other and stuff.

I'm always on the outside circle.
Amor Fati Posted on 1:06 am on Nov. 27, 2001
Glacialis Posted on 1:35 pm on Nov. 26, 2001
Oh. I see. Hum.

Well, I sent you the mail.
Amor Fati Posted on 12:35 pm on Nov. 26, 2001
Kris didn't even mentioned me. Just you and Richard...
Glacialis Posted on 12:05 pm on Nov. 26, 2001
Don't worry. I'll write to you today. I was too tired last night.
Amor Fati Posted on 1:05 am on Nov. 26, 2001
Hum. I feel so left out....
Glacialis Posted on 1:12 pm on Nov. 25, 2001
Yup. Out of town. I'll tell you all the dirty details in my mail. Or perhaps not all of 'em. Just enough to get myself all hot again.

Ohhhh baby, what a week.
Fallen Posted on 5:49 pm on Nov. 23, 2001
So...haven't any of you missed me at all? I know Ile has, but still he's out of town or something or other and has yet to answer any of my e-mails as of lately.

Where the fuck are you?!?

And Richard! Where the hell have you been? Still sick? Hmm....must suck to be you.

I have one final note everyone:

Food is good. Good food. Good food.


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