Thread Review for Ummm....hello? (newest post first)
Robb Force
Posted on 1:32 pm on Sep. 6, 2001
As you may have noticed, due to the lack of updates to the news area, I've been extremely busy these past few weeks. On the day of my last news update I started a new job. It's been hectic trying to learn a new position, while working in my old position, and taking on the new duties of my new position before I was even announced! It was even harder than it should have been because I was also taking a full load in college. The last part has changed a little. After taking my last exam in Microbiology, knowing very few answers, I decided that I don't have enough time to study right now and have requested an incomplete in that class, with the possibility of continuing where I left off next semester. That still leaves me with two other courses, but I can handle those... I'm slowly catching up with my labs that have been put off for a week or more, in those two classes. Anyway, I should have a little more free time very soon, so I hope to be updating the site more frequently with articles, reviews, etc.