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Topic: ikontalk suggestions
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Thread Review for ikontalk suggestions (newest post first)
JuggleFoe Posted on 1:44 am on Oct. 6, 2001
keen work, my good man! keep on rockin' in the free world!
Robb Force Posted on 1:38 am on Oct. 6, 2001
I'm way ahead of you I thought about that last week and was discussing with someone at iBHackers. I'll have to look into doing something myself. I already have a good idea of what to do. If I can work it out, the script will work exactly as you outlined.
JuggleFoe Posted on 12:21 am on Oct. 6, 2001
now, first off, is there some way to add an "auto-refresh on/off" button? it does get annoying when you are typing a message and it refreshes and you lose everything you were writing.

overall, i was wondering if there's a way to break it up to fit into two frames.

one, at the bottom, would include your message field, the "refresh on/off" button, maybe button to toggle between showing new messages at the top or bottom, the emoticons link, all that jazz.

of course, the main frame would include all of the messages.

now, if you have auto-refresh set to "on", it'd be nice if only the main window refreshes.

just a few suggestions.

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