Thread Review for m.i.a. (newest post first)
Amor Fati
Posted on 10:46 pm on April 9, 2003
Oh yeah, they had something going..Shit, that was like 2 years ago, right? I think nersh kep in touch with them. The last time i talked to apache was last summer i think.
Posted on 12:54 pm on April 9, 2003
and whatever happened to apache? wasn't she supposed to meet neph?
Amor Fati
Posted on 11:00 pm on April 8, 2003
Imana try and do that...
Posted on 7:32 am on April 8, 2003
oh, contra, a.k.a. "jaydee". yeah, i see her on icq every now and then. if you can manage to get anyone here, and get them to post on a regular basis, go for it.
Amor Fati
Posted on 1:19 am on April 8, 2003
And whatever happened to that aussie friend of yours, Contraband? And do we start recruiting again?
Amor Fati
Posted on 1:17 am on April 8, 2003
Wow...Sy...I haven't heard her name in a while. How about Nersh (well, sort off...), and I saw Kourous signing in at the unemntionable board a while ago...I know Glacialis and Fallen unfortunately don't have permanent net access anymore...
Posted on 3:31 pm on April 7, 2003
nephilim, meph, tatiana, etc. add to the list.