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Topic: Koel T-Shirt Logos
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Thread Review for Koel T-Shirt Logos (newest post first)
grinspoonz Posted on 9:44 pm on Oct. 31, 2001
Free-ballin' is the only way to fly.
honky618 Posted on 7:44 pm on Oct. 31, 2001
I'm a boxer man myself.
grinspoonz Posted on 10:29 pm on Oct. 30, 2001
I think underwerd...uhh underwear is highly overrated.

It's funny, every time I type the letters w and e, the latters r and d automatically follow. Go figure.
PresidentDead Posted on 1:26 pm on Oct. 30, 2001
I'm anti-pants to be honest. Pant real-estate is of little value to me.
JuggleFoe Posted on 8:44 pm on Oct. 29, 2001
Quote: from PresidentDead posted at 5:50 am on Oct. 29, 2001

And I bet you're the man for the job.

yeah, and it looks like you're going to need your inseam taken in a bit. too much loose space in there...

CardsForSorrow Posted on 12:45 pm on Oct. 29, 2001
Quote: from grinspoonz posted at 4:25 am on Oct. 29, 2001

Homosexuals are gay.

..... and this post is pointless....... so?
grinspoonz Posted on 4:25 am on Oct. 29, 2001
Homosexuals are gay.
PresidentDead Posted on 3:50 am on Oct. 29, 2001
And I bet you're the man for the job.
JuggleFoe Posted on 8:43 pm on Oct. 28, 2001
Quote: from PresidentDead posted at 6:49 pm on Oct. 28, 2001

Quote: from JuggleFoe posted at 9:58 am on Oct. 27, 2001

i'd laugh if i saw a gay guy wearing it.

What, you can spot homosexuals on sight now? I know you wouldn't be using any stereotypes...

what makes you think i wasn't talking about seeing it on a guy that i already know is gay?

i think your trousers need an alteration, mr. smartypants.
grinspoonz Posted on 4:56 pm on Oct. 28, 2001
PresidentDead Posted on 4:49 pm on Oct. 28, 2001
Quote: from JuggleFoe posted at 9:58 am on Oct. 27, 2001

i'd laugh if i saw a gay guy wearing it.

What, you can spot homosexuals on sight now? I know you wouldn't be using any stereotypes...
JuggleFoe Posted on 2:00 pm on Oct. 28, 2001

i'll "get nasty" whenever, wherever.
honky618 Posted on 8:08 am on Oct. 28, 2001
because you were being an ass about it.

don't get nasty unless it calls for it.
grinspoonz Posted on 4:55 am on Oct. 28, 2001

Don't be so anal ppl. I wouldn't call that shirt homophobic. It's just funny. I dunno, maybe I have the weird sense of humour.

And honk, stop pretending to not be a redneck.
JuggleFoe Posted on 10:55 pm on Oct. 27, 2001
the question is, then: why do you care?
honky618 Posted on 6:24 pm on Oct. 27, 2001
Quote: from JuggleFoe posted at 11:50 am on Oct. 27, 2001


looking back, i don't think i said anything that implied that i was under the assumption that you were claiming that you'd wear that shirt.

imagine that.

hey dude, calm down.  I just thought that you might have implied it when you said something about a redneck wearing the shirt.

which, I'm not redneck either (it may have sounded like I just called myself one).
CardsForSorrow Posted on 1:07 pm on Oct. 27, 2001
sorry about my reaction, it just seems to me to be another one of these things created by homo-phobics, you know, those people who use 'gay' as an insult etc... I mean COME ON, will they ever GROW UP?
JuggleFoe Posted on 11:50 am on Oct. 27, 2001

looking back, i don't think i said anything that implied that i was under the assumption that you were claiming that you'd wear that shirt.

imagine that.
honky618 Posted on 10:39 am on Oct. 27, 2001
foe, I never said I'd wear it.

there is this kid that listens to NOTHING BUT pantera at my school and every day he wears a plan black shirt that has somethign written on it, like he bought it from spencers or hot topics.

I hate them.  I just thought it was funny.
JuggleFoe Posted on 9:58 am on Oct. 27, 2001
in my opinion, it must suck to be of a mindframe that finds that shirt, on it's own, funny.

i'd laugh if i saw a gay guy wearing it.

otherwise, it's just another redneck epitaph slapped onto a shitty black t-shirt.

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