---(+ Holy Buffalo +)--- Help Files

Welcome Guest, the following help file is available.

Help on Messenger

The messenger will allow you to send and receive private messages. They can only be read by the person you send them to, and messages sent to you, can only be read by you.

Sending a Private Message
Log into your messenger by clicking on the 'Messenger' link on the menu strip. Use your details to log-in, and click on the 'New PM' button.
Enter the name of the user you wish to message, and a title for the message. If emoticons are enabled on the board, all emoticon code will be converted into a graphic. Please ensure that you complete all the fields when sending a message.

The Inbox
The Inbox will contain all messages sent to you. You can read, or delete them from here.

The Outbox
The Outbox contains all the messages you've sent to other users as a reminder of what you've sent out, and to whom. You can read or delete them from here.

Please respect other users, and do not abuse this service.

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General Board Information
Emoticons are enabled
Verification of email address is needed
Board email functions are on
Log in to access the Admin/Moderator Support files.
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